David Gardner
Hi everyone! Long time no see. A lot has happened [...]
Hi everyone! Long time no see. A lot has happened [...]
PETITION UPDATE ABC 7.30 report: National health watchdog accused of [...]
Help with legal fees for AHPRA fight Until April 2018, [...]
For further information about this submission please email: support@myahpra.com.au
Dr Leong Ng, Medical Oncologist, has sought advice from Jas Sekhon [...]
It has recently become apparent that AHPRA and the Board [...]
...many were outraged that the Midwife had been suspended - [...]
Unfortunately, many good health professionals are getting caught up in [...]
Prof Steve Robson, the President of the Royal Australian and [...]
An orthopedic surgeon who was banned from giving dietary advice [...]
Please see email below from Queensland Health below for your [...]
https://www.australiandoctor.com.au/news/surviving-complaints-doctors-tell-their-experiences-hands-ahpra?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0RVellXSmxPV05sTURFdyIsInQiOiJKbUtmY3ZVcVwvQmxlWkNjY0VnNGRYMkc3WUNRY3RqYkRwMmR3QjBQRCtya1wvM3l1cUU2RHBlSW1xRmYxUWdPbHpPTzB1SksrMGJNcnhtQzdNbDRXekROOTlHejBseXRibTkrU3BSTytRXC90a05IaE5YWnlYNHgzXC9hN1c3Z3YwMlQifQ%3D%3D Special Report: Surviving the AHPRA complaints process Recently, a Melbourne [...]
https://www.australiandoctor.com.au/news/surviving-complaints-part-2-meet-former-hccc-investigator-calling-reform?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpZeU1tRmtZVGcyWkRZNSIsInQiOiJuRDd6QUNycFBoVHB3Y0xkcDB1b0RxWGdHaHJZUDFJa2F2K2IzbDhhMXQ0OFwveEsrUTBpdUwrRERNMG9hY1ZRV3o3R05jWHNNUmFlalBWWTRlaDNMWmJzWjN1Ym5pSzRMMUY1QkN1V0lRNkdReEUyTk5pbHZ1eEx4MWRXZVY1WisifQ%3D%3D Formal complaints against doctors are relatively common and most [...]
Each year up to 5,000 doctors will be subject to [...]
Dr Bawa-Garba who was earlier given a life ban from practising [...]
Our Doctors Need a Voice We are receiving great support [...]
Doctors cleared of wrongdoing will no longer have links to [...]
Doctors who endure investigations based on vexatious complaints would receive [...]
Fears that vexatious complaints against doctors are widespread are based [...]