28 Maurice Court
Q ld.4207
2 November 2020
Attn. Ms. K Ayscough
Executive Director Regulatory Services
Re Dr Yen Yung Yap -Your Letter 30 October 2020 re 00724678 Etc
Dear Ms. Ayscough,
We refer and respond to your recent correspondence to Mrs. Yap in regard to her Husband’s
recent Suicide which, evidenced by his final letter to his Wife and Family was induced by the
mendacious conduct of yourselves against him and his professional standing.
An egregious mendacity that had persisted for at least the 4 years, reaching a peak just days
preceding his suicide as observed by one of us.
Mrs. Yap has very reasonably requested that your investigations into Dr.Yap’s alleged
malpractice be continued, as there is a more than reasonable belief held not just by the Yap
family, but by others, who are fully aware of the allegations, facts and circumstances and know
that the allegations were and are false and manufactured by vexatious competitors and vested
By collating histories of many other Health Practitioners who have had similar false allegations
pursued and processed by yourselves the past ten years, bodies such as HPARA, (which one of us
had the honor to represent over the past 5 years) have individually and jointly developed. It was
a more than a reasonable belief that far too many similar complaints against Health Registrants
could be characterized as vexatious- and further the evidence has shown corresponding
incidents of self-harm have been resultant to those said registrant directly caused by the
mendacity of AHPRA and its operatives.
Too many of those so characterised have led to attempted and successful suicides across the
entire spectrum of Health Registrants which far-too frequently have been Medical Registrant
suicides . Furthermore, many unusual and premature deaths have also featured.
Evidence for such damning indictment of AHPRA was advanced at the two past published
Senate Inquiries.
AHPRA and its executives have done nothing about such when clearly the link is demonstrable of
a lack of, and breaches of, Duty of Care. It can hardly be said such connections have not been
drawn to AHPRA and its controlling minds.
Given Dr Yap’s case has all of the features of a series of vexatious complaints arising from the
same source we believe that AHPRA has a moral and legal duty not just in this instance but in any
instance linked to Registrant Self harm there is a compelling Duty to continue to investigate the
complaint(s) and particularly address the possible links to issues of vested interest and the links
of such to any alleged misconduct.
We believe and allege that such vexatious misconduct whilst instigated from outside sources has
been repeatedly encouraged and condoned by AHPRA’s willingness this past decade to pursue
the victims whilst willfully blinkered to the motives of the vexatious sources. Such conduct we
know has in the past contributed to Registrant Suicides and self-harm. We also know that the
directing minds of AHPRA knows that fact too, but the mendacious conduct continues and
knowingly too results in Registrant Self-Harm.
Accordingly this organization, representing a core membership of living-like sufferers of
vexatious complaints, (and not one of these many agreeing the complaints were properly or
adequately investigated by AHPRA) – the consequences of those, such as Dr Yap’s, demand, in
the name of justice that AHPRA complete the task that AHPRA decided to pursue and followed
through of its own volition.
Further HPARA demands AHPRA does so from the strength and conviction of the large body of
Registrants who are awake to the many pitfalls and debilitating consequences resultant of many
former inadequate investigations conducted by yourselves this past decade.
Your refusal and failure to complete this task will not just be a cowardly act of dishonor and
breach of duty but a snub and insult to one of Australia’s finest young Obstetricians and his
The Health Registrants of Australia will not forget nor forgive AHPRA nor its operatives.
Russell Broadbent MFC( Rhodesia)
Chair Health Professionals Australia Reform Association
Former Health Professional
Former Barrister at Law
Leong Ng
Interim Committee Member Health Professionals Australia Reform Association
Former Health Professional
Dr Yolande Lucire,
Interim Committee Member Health Professionals Australia Reform Association
Health Professional