Complaints Against AHPRA

//Complaints Against AHPRA

Complaints Against AHPRA

I am a 75 year-old crippled old age pensioner and have been involved in a 2 year fight against the medical complaints system.
As we all know, politicians created AHPRA as part of the National Health System created at COAG
2009 and, in so doing, handed the control of the medical system to medical professionals and in the
process  created statutory and other bodies, with no (or pretend ) accountability or responsibility for
their actions thus totally removing the rights of the WHOLE GENERAL PUBLIC, not just only
some groups within medical ranks.
All the investigations and complaints against AHPRA have come to nothing. ….WHY?
BECAUSE politicians created the system; (National Act and other legislation…including FOI),
BECAUSE politicians are the ones who review the system (Senators who conduct the various
inquiries ARE politicians,)
BECAUSE key appointments are made by Ahpras protective body, the CHC, or whatevever alias
they operate under currently.
BECAUSE recommendations are forwarded to other politicians (COAG – CHC etc) AND NO
Action IS TAKEN.
WHY? Because, to keep their lucrative, powerful positions politicians MUST maintain the PARTY
LINE to retain preselection and, of course, to be successful at the ballot box which means
the VOTING PUBLIC must not be allowed to learn the truth about the special deals
given to medical professionals, hence:
* The total veil of secrecy lowered around AHPRAS investigative and other practices;
* The restriction of ANY information (not just the relevant sensitive matters) regarding the
investigation of MEDICARE FRAUD by medical professionals;
* The refusal, under ministerial rights, the release of any information over a range of issues
because of exemption from review by the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
* The obscuring of the fact that both AHPRA and the National Health Ombudsman are owned
and paid for by medical professionals;
Of course the release of the truth of the medical protection system may not be comfortable to you.
There are many many serious deficiencies within the system that are of importance to the whole
of Australia, not just to one part of a privileged group. The much-quoted 2017 Senate Inquiry was
restricted to bullying of medical professionals. WHY?….Another indication of the power of
the medical profession; this time in damage control.
Instead of aiming your efforts only to protect bullied professionals, with only lip-service to the
public, why not aim directly at the VOTING PUBLIC. Imagine the thousands of people who
have been insulted, mistreated and ignored by the present CORRUPT medical complaint
system and who have felt helpless and let down by the government and medical systems. The
figure would be many hundreds of thousands if you include the friends and relatives of this
victimised group who would be very vocal if given the opportunity.
Graeme Clark

By | 2021-02-28T06:05:47+00:00 February 28th, 2021|AHPRA|Comments Off on Complaints Against AHPRA