HPARA 2017-09-18T01:02:58+00:00

The Health Professionals Australia Reform Association (HPARA) is an organisation dedicated to the reform of health care regulation in order to best support the delivery of great health care for all.

HPARA represent the health and well-being and best interests of all regulated healthcare practitioners and clients/patients alike.

” HPARA aims to give a voice to a much needed reform action to address the systematic bullying and abuse of true and caring health professionals. If a stop is not put to this, the future outcome for our health care system is not promising. The targeting of health care workers and doctors is in itself abhorrent, but the impacts for patients and the broader community are equally substantial because in a culture where bullying is rife no true advancement and innovation can occur”.

HPARA’s objective is to “push for a Royal Commission until reform is fully achieved”.

Please see: http://www.hpara.org.au/