My name is Mr Greco & I was a psychologist for some 30 years prior to having my practicing licence suspended, re-instated and then cancelled over an almost 10 year experience with AHPRA.
Briefly, I established the business Victims of Crime Counselling & Compensation Services in around 1999 & the website in around 2005. When I first established this business there were some 1000 crime compensation applications per year in Victoria administered through the Department of Justice (DoJ) receiving some $10M in compensation annually. Largely as a result of my website and my public speaking activities this rose to over 4000 applications per year with victims receiving in excess of $40M a year in compensation. On my website I also published the State Government’s own research based evidence commenting on the failings of the Victims Support Agency (VSA) in the provision of services to victims of crime. I was soon told to shut the website down. My refusal to do so coincided with my involvement with AHPRA, Richard Mullaly, Victorian State Manager. Notifiers have predominantly included members of the Department of Justice & the Victims Support Agency whose Notifications were blatantly fabricated, malicious & vexatious with the sole intent of destroying my professional, personal & business reputation.
For the past ten years I have been subjected to blatant breaches of National Law, Natural Justice & Human Rights as well as being constantly bullied, harassed & intimidated. This is a consistent theme experienced by many other health practitioners as detailed throughout the 139 Submissions made to the 2017 Parliamentary Enquiry into AHPRA. From my experience I can only describe AHPRA as a bully organization.
Equally insidious was the decision made by Member Ian Proctor, Victoria Civil & Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), in that VCAT is not a Court of Law & that the rules of evidence, Evidence Act 2008, do not apply. Member Proctor blatantly refused to consider the evidence, motivation of the Informants & refused to allow witnesses in an attempt to the conceal the truth. His findings were totally contrary to the evidence on public record. This pathetic little man must resign or be removed. He must not be allowed to harm others.
Ian Proctor was also in communication with the then Liberal Party Attorney General, Robert Clark, who previously appointed Proctor to the position of full time Senior VCAT Member, during my matter. It appears that Robert Clark may have abused his position of power interfering in judicial processes for political gain at the detrament of public interest.
AHPRA matters must not be allowed to be heard in Tribunals and by Members which are not bound by the Rule of Law.
Furthermore, The Psychology Board of Australia, Chairman Brin Grenyer, failed in their Duty of Care to protect me from vexatious allegations, as has AHPRA, and with both parties in my matter appearing to be blatantly complicit in the fabrication of these vexatious allegations.
Allegations have been so contrieved and nonsensical that they have even included me making complaints about myself. Processes have been so abused as they even included The Board’s refusal to acknowledge the recommendations of it’s own appointed independent Supervisor.
I was repeatedly told during my matter by the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office (VGSO) to “…just shut the website down…as the wrecking ball is coming”…pre-empting the VCAT outcome.
The investigation into my matter by AHPRA has never been about protecting the public. It has been about concealing the truth and protecting those public servants and polititians who have abused their power in order to limit financial compensation to victims of crime and restrict freedom of speach. I look forward to the day of a Royal Commmission.
Meanwhile I am offering $10,000 for information which will lead to the truth being established. If you have knowledge of my matter and are prepared to present this at the Supreme Court of Victoria please contact me to discuss.
This website,, in an attempt to shed light on the practical workings of AHPRA hoping that my experience, as well that of others, will assist all Health Practitioners to gain an insight into AHPRA & to avoid the profound damage & distress this experience has caused me & many colleagues, including Dr Fettke, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr Ng, Specialist Medical Oncologist, Professor Dewan, Paediatric Urologist and 100’s others. To read comments from Health Practitioners please see News page.
Health Practitioners whose professional & personal lives have been unjustly damaged as a result of the behaviour of AHPRA & associated bodies may wish to consider joining our Class Action.
It would also be greatly appreciated if you would kindly forward this website to your colleagues.
* MyAhpra is a private entity & is not affiliated any way whatsoever with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) & all communications are treated with the strictest of confidentiality.